Long Branch welcomes outdoor dining
June 15, 2020
June 16, 2020Over the 22 years of NJ Rep’s existence, we have had the unique opportunity to work with spectacular designers. Today we are highlighting some of their remarkable works. How many of these plays have you seen?
And Her Hair Went With Her by Zina Cambin, directed by Kamilah Forbes, starring Zina Cambin, MaConnia Chesser, scenic design by Charles Corcoran, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Merek Royce Press.
Dead Ringer by Gino DiIorio, directed by SuzAnne Barabas, starring Michael Irvin Pollard, Christian Pedersen, Natalie Wilder, scenic design by Jessica Parks, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Merek Royce Press.
Evie’s Waltz by Carter W. Lewis, directed by SuzAnne Barabas, starring Andrea Gallo, Warren Kelley, Kate Kenney, scenic design by Jessica Parks, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Merek Royce Press.
Puma by Julie Gilbert and Frank Evans, directed by SuzAnne Barabas, starring Max Arnaud, Ylfa Edelstein, John FitzGibbon, Chris Vettel, Natalie Wilder, scenic design by Jessica Parks, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Merek Royce Press.
Sick by Zayd Dohrn, directed by Benjamin Endsley Klein, starring Meredith Napolitano, Rusty Ross, Kevin Sebastian, Jim Shankman, Liz Zazzi, scenic design by Carrie Mossman, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Kevin Siwoff.
The Housewives of Mannheim by Alan Brody, directed by SuzAnne Barabas, starring Natalie Mosco, Wendy Peace, Corey Tazmania, Pheonix Vaught, scenic design by Quinn K. Stone and Jessica Parks, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Merek Royce Press.
The Rant by Andrew Case, directed by Jesse Ontiveros, starring MaConnia Chesser, Mark Hairston, Rahaleh Nassri, Bob Senkewicz, scenic design by Jessica Parks, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Michael Magnifico.
Two Jews Walk Into a War by Seth Rozin, directed by James Glossman, starring Reathel Bean, John Pietrowski, scenic design by Drew Fancis, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Jeff Knapp.
Women Who Steal by Carter W. Lewis, directed by SuzAnne Barabas, starring Stephanie Dorian, Mark Shanahan, Bill Timoney, Liz Zazzi, scenic design by Charles Corcoran, lighting design by Jill Nagle, costume design by Patricia E. Doherty, sound design by Merek Royce Press.