Investigative findings: Asbury Park officers reasonably believed reporters was a protester failing to disperse
July 11, 2020Forty Acres and Mule – Wikipedia
July 12, 2020Welcome back from Library Director Tonya GarciaAs many of you know, Governor Murphy announced that NJ libraries may start to open at 25% capacitybeginning July 2. As a vital community and educational hub, the Long Branch Free Public Library welcomes anaverage of 10,000 monthly visitors, therefore there are many details that must be considered for a safe phased reopening.
Together with the Long Branch Office of Emergency Management and the Health Department, wehave worked diligently to create a phased reopening plan. I’d like to take a moment to share key dates from that plan.
July 6 – Book Drops Open
We are officially opening our book drops to accept the return of library materials at the Main Library Mon-Thurs10am-8pm and Fri & Sat 10am-5pm. The CDC and Northeast Document Conservation Center haverecommended quarantine as the most effective way to disinfect library materials. To ensure the safety of staffand our community, we are quarantining returned materials for a full seven days before allowing materials to be used again. Please note, due to space constraints, Elberon materials must be returned at the Main Library. Please allow 7 days for items to be removed from your account after placing them in the book return. No fineswill be charged.
Back to business with the LBPL
July 13 – Contactless Service Begins
Contactless service allows you to place holds on all Long Branch materials via our online catalog or by phone(5 items per card). Once your materials are in, you will receive an automated email or phone notification. Oncenotified, simply call the library to make an appointment to pick up your items. We will check out your items and bring them to a library table located outside (weather permitting) or inside the vestibule at the entrance facing City Hall. We will also roll out career, reference, social work and notary services by appointment and are in theprocess of finalizing an outdoor internet cafe.
August 1 – Library Opens @ 25% Capacity!
You may enter the building and browse our main floor for materials, make an in-person appointment for ourcareer coaching, social work, and notary services. All necessary safety measures will be implemented.Thank you for your support as we navigate this new procedure and execute a phased reopening of the librarythat prioritizes the health and safety of the entire community. While our faces may be covered by masks, it will be a pleasure to see you all again!
We sincerely appreciate your ongoing patience as we continue to plan.