Amergo Vepucci Society scholarship recipients
September 15, 2020Teen charged with murder waived to adult court
September 15, 2020Chloé Hung is a Chinese-Canadian playwright currently residing in Los Angeles.
A graduate of NYU Tisch’s MFA in dramatic writing program, her first play All Our Yesterdays debuted at the Toronto Fringe Festival to sold out shows and was curated in the prestigious Next Stage Theatre Festival where it received rave reviews. Her next play Issei, He Say (or the Myth of the First) was workshopped at the John F. Kennedy Center with the National New Play Network and is now receiving its world premiere production at New Jersey Repertory Company.
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Her play, Three Women of Swatow, was workshopped with Tarragon Theatre’s Playwrights Unit and received Canada’s RBC Emerging Playwrights Award. She developed Model Minority with Los Angeles-based Moving Arts Theater’s MADlab and continues to work on it with the company. Chloé currently writes on season three of the Ava DuVernay created television series Queen Sugar (on the Oprah Winfrey Network OWN).