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July 2, 2021 July 22 program features Rachel Beanland, author of Florence Adler Swims Forever
OAKHURST– On Thursday, July 22 at 7:30pm, Congregation Torat El will hold the next event in its innovative “Meet the Author” series… via Zoom.
This program will feature Rachel Beanland, author of Florence Adler Swims Forever. The family saga, set in 1934 Atlantic City, shows how far individuals will go to protect a loved one, and the way secrets can strain the bonds of close relationships.
When tragedy strikes the Adler family, its matriarch, Esther, decides to hide the truth in a mistaken goal of protecting one of her daughters. The elaborate lies that the family engages in strain its members and bring many tensions to the surface.
Based on a true story, this is Rachel Beanland’s debut novel. She is an MFA candidate in creative writing at Virginia Commonwealth University and lives in Richmond.
There is no charge for this event, but registration is required. Please register at:
HYPERLINK “https://www.torat-el.org/events/meet-the-author-rachel-beanland/” https://www.torat-el.org/events/meet-the-author-rachel-beanland/. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive an event reminder the week of July 19th. Both will include the Zoom link and password.
This ongoing series has been made possible by a generous grant from the B’nai Sholom/Beth El Foundation.