Long Branch Council news: building demolitions, senior center upgrade, green energy
August 12, 2021
Yard sale this weekend
August 12, 2021
“When the Bluffs developer came in looking to build in Long Branch, we asked for a contribution for our city residents. Similar to the same request we made from the developers of Ocean Gate where the city acquired a new community pool, we are asking major developers in our city to give back to our residents and community,” Mayor John Pallone stated.
The two-million-dollar expansion and renovation to the Long Branch Senior Center has conceptual plans that will include a new outside facade on the front of the building, a new lobby area, a fitness room, bigger classrooms, more space for storage and other renovations that will allow the center to provide more programming.
“We are really excited for this project to begin. Renovations are long overdue in our senior center. More Long Branch seniors use the center and lack of space continues to be a problem. Our seniors will greatly benefit from this expansion because the senior center will be more up to date,” Pat Scinto-Krosnicki, Senior Center Director said.

“I think it is great that we are giving back to our seniors here at the center. Most of them have been residents all their lives so it’s nice to give something back to them. They deserve a more comprehensive facility,” Council Vice President and Senior Center Board Member, Dr. Mary Jane Celli said.