Former Ocean Township police officer pleads guilty to theft, forgery charges
March 21, 2022
Fine Fare Supermarket with super prices – this week’s specials
March 24, 2022I am happy to announce that Eatontown has been awarded a $300,000 grant from the NJ DOT through the Local Aid Infrastructure Fund Program for Phase 2 of the Downtown Eatontown Greenway Project!
You may remember that we previously won a $275,000 grant for the Phase 1 of our Greenway Project, a Complete Streets initiative, which we are using to connect Wolcott and Wampum parks. That project is out to bid and you should see work being done in the coming months.
Phase 2 of the program extends into the Downtown and allows us to develop some lighting, streetscape and other revitalization and beautification concepts along Route 35 from Tinton Avenue to Broad Street. This is perfect timing as the Borough recently declared our Downtown as an Area in Need of Redevelopment. We are now able to meet with business owners to develop an overall redevelopment plan for the area. This grant will be a great source of seed money for us to invest in the Downtown and also position us for additional funding in the future. I will update you in the coming weeks as the Governing Body begins the planning.