Adorable Adoptables from the Monmouth County SPCA
August 16, 2022
Community Fair & Family Day to Benefit Mon. County’s Volunteer First Aid & Fire Depts
August 17, 2022By Kathy Buchan and Nan Simon Friends of Jackson Woods
The days have been long, dry and hot but we continue to make progress at Jackson Woods. Our Tuesday volunteers have been removing invasives, weeding, moving dirt and mulch, and gardening. Our Reach for the Stars sculpture has been installed, as well as a security camera, and two dog waste stations for our frequent dog walkers. Special thanks to Stan, Marvin, and the DPW crew for their assistance. Thanks also to Kris Parker at the Recreation Department and the young summer work crew that has been helping us out on Tuesdays.
We forgot to mention it last month, but Jackson Woods hosted its first wedding this June! It was a beautiful event and we are delighted that the bride and groom chose Jackson Woods for their special day.
In other good news, we have been awarded a Community Based Art Grant by the DEP, funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Thank you to Karen Keene of Monmouth Conservation Foundation for helping us to acquire this award. The project will involve a community based art installation on the subject of climate change. We will share more information in the coming months.
We are still concerned about the pond water quality and continue to explore ways to improve the health of the pond with experienced professionals. Cleaning invasives away from the pond perimeter and installing an aeration system would make a huge difference. We have raised funds through our t-shirt sales, the Ride for Jackson Woods, and our “Got Sneakers!” sneaker recycling program, as well as through donations from community members, friends and neighbors of the park. Please consider donating to Monmouth Conservation in the name of Jackson Woods to help us clean up the pond.
On a sad note, vandals ripped down our beautiful trail signs in several areas in the park. The good news: friends and neighbors of the park were able to locate many of the signs and our DPW team has offered to remake the rest and put everything back together for us. We also need to add a few more security cameras. This is a small setback, but will not deter us from moving forward.
Thank you everyone for your continued interest and support of the work being done at Jackson Woods. Try to stay cool and enjoy the last weeks of summer.