Super Sales at Fine Fare Supermarket Begins This Friday
December 6, 2022
Long Branch Chamber of Commerce and Eatontown Industrial Park Assoc collect Toys for Tots
December 12, 2022Watch video here
Christine Sullivan, Special Event Coordinator at the Long Branch Arts & Cultural Center, organized a festive holiday event with Santa on Wednesday and Thursday night. There was plenty for the whole family to enjoy, especially free photos with Santa (who was amazing), crafts, donuts, coffee and other refreshments for everyone. The Grinch was also a big hit with the kids! and some even had their photo taken with a friendly police officer…thank you Officer Slavin.
The Center was filled with families spending special time together creating memories for years to come. Of course they will attend again next year and enjoy year-long events in between.
On December 13 Candace Faust will be reading her book about Norman the Christmas Dog for more holiday fun.
“This was such a great event,” said Mayor John Pallone. “The Art Center was packed tonight. I would love to see this become a memorable annual event for families.”