Local Artists and Logo Contest Featured at LB Arts & Cultural Center
June 8, 2023
Pride in the Park Celebrated Tonight 6PM
June 10, 2023
Left, John Whelan on the guitar. Fright, Patty Booth & Billy Delisa at Church St. School
John Whelan is organizing a North Long Branch reunion on June 25 at the IAMA , 195 West End Ave, in Long Branch from 3PM-8Pm. If you grew up in NLB or just hung out you and your family are welcome.
Did you hang out at Johnny’s, Bits and Peaces, the beach or remember Shorty pumping gas on the corner of Atlantic & Ocean aves? Maybe your memories are from way before that or not as early? Bring your stories and photos you would like to share.
People are encouraged to bring old photos from back in the day. There will also be a place on a wall to hang photos of loved ones who are no longer with us. Too many for sure but still in our hearts.
The cost is $25 donation and kids are free, no matter what age. There will be food and soft drinks, and the IAMA bar will be open to purchase drinks.
There will also be music, BUT not too loud. (Wow, remember when it couldn’t be loud enough?) Actually it will be just right so we can all hear each other reminisce about the good old days.
Bring a dessert if you would like to but not required.
Please let Rose Tomaino Widdis, Valerie Keddy Schiafone, Frane Capone if you are interested so they can get a rough head count. You can pay Valerie by venmo if you would like to.