September 30, 2023
Spartans continue kicking cancers ass in Mya’s memory
September 30, 2023By Vin Gopal
With the November 7, 2023 General Election approaching, it’s time to remind residents that the voter registration deadline is October 17, a little more than two weeks away.
Residents can register to vote online or by filling out a paper registration form. To register online, you will need your current, valid Driver’s License or a non-driver Identification Card issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, where your information will be checked to validate identification and to retrieve a copy of your digitized signature. Or, you can register online using your Social Security Number, but you must have the ability to sign on-screen or upload your signature to complete the registration process.
Paper voter registration applications also are available online at the state Division of Elections NJ Votes portal, or the Monmouth County Board of Elections portal, at monmouthcountyvotes.com. You also may obtain a paper application at the Monmouth County Superintendent of Elections/Commissioner of Registration office at 300 Halls Mill Road, in Freehold, or by calling (732) 431-7780. The county and state election websites will provide links to all of the election information you need to register and to vote on November 7. If you are uncertain of your registration status, check the state Voter Search website, https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/registration-check.
Mail-in Ballots have begun going out in the mail and there are three ways you can vote by mail in the November 7 General Election.
Residents can return their Ballot by the US Postal Service in the postage paid return envelope. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by Election Day and the county election office recommends that you mail them at least a week before the deadline.
You may also drop off your completed Mail-In Ballot at one of the Ballot Drop Boxes around the county 24 hours a day. In Legislative District 11 drop boxes are located in Asbury Park and Long Branch City Halls, and in the municipal buildings of Colts Neck, Eatrontown, Fair Haven, Freehold Borough and Freehold Township, Neptune Township, Ocean Township and Red Bank as well as the Tinton Falls EMS Building. Ballots can be placed in any drop box in the County up until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day and a full list of Ballot drop boxes in Monmouth County is available at monmouthcountyvotes.com or by calling (732) 431-7802, ext. 7150 for more information.
Residents also have the option of delivering their Ballots in person to the County Board of Elections in Freehold Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and up until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Identification is required (any form of identification with name, address and signature).
Monmouth County also will have 10 specially designated in-person early voting locations. The locations will be open Saturday, October 28, through Sunday, November 5, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday – Saturday, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m on Sundays. Locations include the Legislative District 11 towns of Colts Neck, Long Branch, and Neptune but Monmouth County voters can go to any one of the 10 locations during the nine-day period for early voting.
Of course, you always have the option of voting in person on Election Day at your designated local polling location. If you are uncertain where to vote on Election Day, you will find additional help finding your polling location at the State election website, https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/polling-place-search.
Voting is one of our most fundamental rights and greatest responsibilities as citizens. We are all truly equal when we step up to the voting machine or cast our ballot by mail. So, regardless of who you support or how you chose to vote, I encourage everyone to register to vote by October 17 and to vote in the November 7 General Election.
serves as Senate Majority Conference Leader and Chair of the Senate Education Committee. Elected in 2018, a lifelong resident of Monmouth County, Senator Gopal represents residents of Asbury Park, Allenhurst, Colts Neck, Deal, Eatontown, Freehold, Freehold Township, Interlaken, Loch Arbor, Long Branch, Neptune City, Neptune Township, Ocean Township, Red Bank, Tinton Falls, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Township, and West Long Branch in the State Senate.