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October 4, 2023
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October 5, 2023Dear Editor,
Rarely do you see politicians follow through on promises, on top of offering to assist constituents, municipalities, and school districts. Over the years I have come to know, respect, and become very good friends with Senator Vin Gopal. He exemplifies what an elected official should and must do as a politician. Anytime I have requested help within my municipality, Senator Gopal is there to assist.
Gopal has chosen two women who are extremely well versed and seasoned in politics. Ocean Township Deputy Mayor Dr. Margie Donlon has served with me on council for over 4 years now. I have come to respect Margie and her calm demeanor in how she represents the Township of Ocean. Margie is clear, concise, and handles business. Luanne Peterpaul Esq. has shown her commitment to being firm, fair, and consistent in her craft. This woman has proven this, as a well-respected prosecutor and judge.
National Assoc. of Police Organizations and other endorsements
To dispel the disgusting rumor mill about Vin and the negative campaigning done by the other side, don’t believe it. He has been and will continue to be an advocate for all of us. For the other side to clearly lie and try to defame this man’s character is not only sickening, it’s an absolute insult. The Senator has support on both sides of the aisle in a similar fashion as one of his very popular predecessors’, the late and great, Joe Palaia. Rarely do you see a politician who can work with both sides and it’s a breath of fresh air.
For the sake of continuity, for the sake of good government, and for the sake of the Township where I am Mayor, I wholeheartedly support the re-election of Senator Vin Gopal, and the election of his two running mates, Dr. Margie Donlon and Luann Peterpaul Esq. for Assembly. I know when these three candidates get elected on November 7, the Township of Ocean will continue to have an ear in Trenton for all of us.
John P. Napolitani Sr.
Township of Ocean