‘Wrestling is Back’ At Long Branch High School
February 14, 2025
Shore Regional High School District launches website to share details about March 11 vote
February 15, 2025By Margie Donlon and Luanne Peterpaul

Luanne Peterpaul and Margie Donlon
Residents may now file a single Property Tax Relief Application for all three property tax relief programs, ANCHOR, Senior Freeze, and Stay NJ.
Stay NJ is a new program, sponsored and championed by our office alongside Senator Gopal, that goes into effect and will pay benefits in 2026, based on the 2024 tax year. Stay NJ will reimburse up to 50 percent of the 2024 property taxes paid, up to $6,500, for senior homeowners with household incomes of $500,000 or less.
The state Department of Taxation is beginning to mail out paper applications this month.
The new Property Tax Relief Application (PAS-1) will soon be available online as well as through the mail. Remember the only way to apply right now is by paper application. You may check the Division of Taxation website, propertytaxrelief.nj.gov, to see when the online application becomes available and for general information about New Jersey’s property tax relief programs.
The PAS-1 application form will replace the individual applications for Senior Freeze, Stay NJ, and ANCHOR for NJ residents who are 65 or older or people receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. However, it’s important to note that the state is no longer auto-filing applications for people who received the benefits in the past.
The Department of Treasury will begin sending out paper applications soon to individuals who they believe are eligible for at least one of the programs. Keep in mind that if you do not receive an application it doesn’t mean your household isn’t eligible.
It’s also important to note that if you file a paper application you will receive a check from the state by mail, even if your benefit was delivered by direct deposit in the past. Applicants who file online may continue to receive direct deposits.
Applicants will no longer have to provide proof of their age or get verification from their local tax collector’s office that they’re property tax payments are up to date. You will still have to report your income for 2023 and 2024. Most residents will only need their NJ-1040 income tax form and SSA-1099 from the Social Security Administration to calculate their income. You also will need to know the block and lot numbers for your property.
Importantly, if you have previously been eligible for the Senior Freeze program, but did not file applications, you may retroactively file now for Senior Freeze tax relief benefits. You just have to fill out the previous PTR-1 for each year that you missed and submit them to the Department of Treasury for review. These forms are available online at the Division of Taxation website above.
The Department of Treasury will send a notice later this year of the benefits you will receive from each program. Residents will either receive the Senior Freeze and ANCHOR benefits, OR the Stay NJ benefit, whichever is greater.
The filing deadline to apply for all programs is October 31, 2025.
If you would like to receive an application for the Senior Freeze, Anchor, and Stay NJ, please call our office at (732) 704-3808 or email us at AswDonlon@njleg.org, AswPeterpaul@njleg.org, to provide a mailing address where we can send you an information packet and application.
You can also get help from our office with these and other state programs through our Constituent Services Team. Our Constituent Services Team will be taking the Legislative District 11 office on the road with our LD11 Mobile Office Hours. Currently, we have scheduled mobile office visits on Tuesday, Feb. 18 and Tuesday, March 18, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the Neptune Senior Center, 1607 Corlies Ave., Neptune City; and on Tuesday, March 11, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the Long Branch Senior Center, 85 Second Ave., Long Branch.
We look forward to seeing you there.