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August 11, 2011Originally published Aug. 11, 2011
Eatontown — A mother’s love knows no bounds and it crosses all races, religions and species. This is the case of Bella, a two-year-old shepherd/hound mix who was recently rescued in South Carolina along with her four young puppies and relocated to the Monmouth County SPCA.

Bella and her four puppies are happy and safe at the Monmouth County SPCA after being rescued from South Carolina.
This isn’t the first time that the MCSPCA has come to the aid of our furry friends in South Carolina. They routinely have taken puppies from the overcrowded southern shelter and are currently transporting 25 puppies a week for adoption in Monmouth County. When the call came in to schedule the last puppy transport, the Monmouth County SPCA couldn’t resist the heart-wrenching story of mama Bella.
Bella did what moms do for their children; she put her own pain and suffering aside when it came time to deliver her litter. She accomplished this by digging a hole under a house to create a warm, safe and protected environment to welcome her puppies into the world. And Bella did all of this with a broken front leg.
It is believed that Bella’s leg, which is broken at the elbow joint, has been in that condition for several months. Whether her leg can be surgically repaired or will need to be amputated is still under medical review, however, a decision will need to be made soon so she can be on the road to recovery. While her bones have been broken, her ability to love both her puppies and her MCSPCA Guardian Angels hasn’t wavered.
If Bella’s plight hadn’t been rough enough it was also recently determined that she was Heartworm positive. Heartworm is a blood parasite that resides in the heart valves and is transmitted by mosquitos; however, this disease can be easily prevented by using a preventive medicine often prescribed by veterinarians. Currently Bella is being treated as having a severe case and will have a follow-up dose of treatment in a month, with a fairly optimistic outlook for her recovery.
Bella’s puppies have the chance to have a bright future because of their mother’s love. However, Bella’s future is additionally dependent on the generosity of strangers.
To help the organization continue fixing Broken Pups or to learn more about Bella’s condition please contact the Monmouth County SPCA at 732-542-0040.
The MCSPCA located at 260 Wall Street, Eatontown is a non-profit organization that relies on private donations and modest fees to fund its many programs. To learn more about the MCSPCA and the many animals available for adoption please visit www.monmouthcountyspca.org.