Wiffle Ball at Wolf Hill was a success
June 14, 2013
Governor Christie has nothing but praise for Monmouth Beach
June 15, 2013By Teja Anderson
Our MB children are back home in their beloved school. Even though it was a raining fairly hard and even flooding a bit, you could feel and see the excitement and relief in everyone’s faces, from the kids to the parents to the teachers and the custodial and administrative staff that was there to welcome them back on Monday morning.
The whole place smelled of fresh paint, new furniture and crayons and the walls were hung with blue and white crepe paper and balloons, with lots of art and photos wherever you looked.
The planned outdoor opening had to be scrapped due to the weather but the MB Fire Company was there on the playground with their shiny red trucks and an American flag hanging from the extended ladder to greet the families as they arrived.
The Shore Regional High School Band played, adding to the excitement and celebratory sentiment, although some of the more inventive teens had to use used their music stands as umbrellas as they entered and exited the building with their instruments.
Members of the MB Board of Ed — Kirk Ruoff, Sandi Gardner, Dianne Bolsch, Brian McAndrew, Dave Roberts, Jennifer DiLorenzo; Business, Administrator and Board Secretary Dennis Kotch; Curriculum and Instruction Director Bruce Preston; new SRHS Super Thomas Farrell; SRHS Principal Vincent DalliCardillo, and representatives from the Wolf Hill School in Oceanport, the Betty McElmon Elementary in West Long Branch the Frank Antonides School in West Long Branch, where our children had been relocated to after Sandy were on hand to be thanked and recognized.

Supterintendent Brian Farrell cuts the ribbon to open the school while Board of Ed VP Kirk Ruoff and PTO President Homeria Walter assist
Politicians Senator Joe Kyrillos, Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and Freeholder Serena DiMaso and many members of the media made their presence and support clear.
Board VP Kirk Ruoff thanked outgoing Super/Principal Brian Farrell for dealing with the events of Sandy so smoothly and introduced our new school leader, Michael Ettore, who spoke to the room about how much he is looking forward to the new school year and getting to know everyone, especially the students.
PTO President Homeira Walter spoke of the wonderful donation efforts done by past students, sister schools and members of the community with school supplies, fundraisers and cash donations from around the country. Colorful posters hung around the room from many of those schools welcoming our children back.
Parents were then asked to take their younger children back to their classrooms (mortifying for any of them above fourth grade) so that they could get back to their normal schedule.
Although there were a few complaints in the eighth grade hall about not getting new lockers, a bent basketball hoop pole thanks to a backing up fire truck and a handful of tearful kindergarteners clinging on to their parents, it was evident that students, parents, teachers and staff were all thrilled to be back in the school. Welcome Home Students of Monmouth Beach!