Clark and Betton power Spartans over Falcons
January 29, 2023
Adorable Adoptables from the Monmouth County SPCA
January 31, 2023On Saturday afternoon Veronica Stubbs and volunteers from ASTEP (After School Tutorial Educational Program) in Long Branch, held their Winter Coat Giveaway at the Second Baptist Church on Liberty Street. The group was giving away new and gently used winter coats for kids and adults. ASTEP and Meals on Wheels partnered up for the afternoon to also serve hot food to anyone who would like to take a meal home or sit and relax at a table to dine in.
Both groups will be at the church again on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.
Helping Hands is at the Second Baptist Church every Saturday giving out meal.

Malique Medler, Sammie Cofer, Billy Brown, Veronica Stubbs from A.S.T.E.P, Wayne Perry, Derel Stroud, Harold West, Lance Gaynor, Yusef Q. and Sue Harrison at Second Baptist Church in Long Branch on Saturday. Veronica Stubbs from A.S.T.E.P (After School Tutorial Educational Program) handed out coats on Saturday and Billy Brown from Helping Hands was giving out hot meals.