Family Addiction Network April Meeting
April 10, 2024
Local Obituaries
April 11, 2024
The Spartan Players were full of drama.
The Ocean Township School District hosted its annual Innovation Night recently, showcasing and celebrating the innovation that takes place in the schools, district wide from grades Pre-K through 12th. It is a celebration of creativity, ingenuity, collaboration and the spirit of discovery that thrives within Ocean school communities.

- Ocean Township students Ella and Gloria show Wanamassa 4th graders Kennedy and Rosie how to make catapults out of popsicle sticks.
- Coleton and Sawyer with Miss Pepper the hedgehog
- Students learning about electronic snap circuts
- OT Middle School Technology Coach Kristin Gasser shows students how, by grabbing the white wire on “Makey Makey Arcade” they complete the circuit to play a video game.