Column by Assemblywomen Margie Donlon and Luanne Peterpaul on committee apintments
January 19, 2024
Tinton Falls Teacher Charged With Attempting To Solicit Sex Act, Sending Graphic Images To Teen
January 19, 2024Experience the magnificence of five thousand years of civilization through music and dance by joining the Monmouth County Park System on a bus trip to see a performance of 2024 Shen Yun – China Before Communism at the State Theatre New Jersey in New Brunswick on Saturday, March 30. A celebration of China’s rich cultural heritage, this dynamic performance moves quickly from one legend, region, or dynasty to the next. Themes range from the delicate elegance of Tang
court ladies to the battlefield heroics of valiant generals, from the timeless philosophical works of Lao-Tzu to spectacular scenes of magical realms. Some of the approximately 20 pieces will also touch upon the topic of today’s China. Guests will have time after the performance to dine. Reservations are highly recommended. Guests must wear business attire or evening wear.
The bus leaves from Thompson Park, Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, at 12:15 p.m. and will return at approximately 8:30 p.m. The cost is $200 per person and includes orchestra seating, bus transportation, and Park System leader. Pre-registration is required. For more information, or to register, visit www.MonmouthCountyParks.com or call 732-842-4000, ext. 1. For persons with hearing impairment, the Park System TTY/TDD number is 711. The Monmouth County Park System, created in 1960 by the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners, is Monmouth County’s Open Space, Parks and Recreation agency.