Monmouth Medical Center

February 24, 2016

Quick Response by Family, First Aid and Monmouth Medical Center Save the Life of Oceanport Man

LONG BRANCH, N.J. – For Oceanport resident Thomas Williams, Winterstorm Jonas proved to be a perfect storm with near disastrous results. The 69-year-old painting contractor, like […]
January 29, 2016

Monmouth Medical Center acquires two works of art in honor of Michael A. Goldfarb, M.D., FACS

Representatives from Monmouth Medical Center and the George and Helen Segal Foundation recently gathered to dedicate two large pastels by artist George Segal, donated to the […]
January 18, 2016

Monmouth Medical Center Welcomes Marc Laufgraben as Chairman of the Department of Medicine

Monmouth Medical Center welcomes board-certified endocrinologist and internist Marc Laufgraben, M.D., M.B.A., FACE, FACP, as the chairman of the Department of Medicine at Monmouth Medical Center.