Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch President, Dave Brown (left) and Club Secretary, Ken Gittell (right) present Senator Vin Gopal with a donation of over 350 […]
Our Assembly Committee Appointments By Dr. Margie Donlon and Luanne Peterpaul We are grateful that our state Assembly committee appointments will give us opportunities to use […]
By Margie Donlon and Luanne Peterpaul As we look forward to our swearing in to represent Legislative District 11 residents in the State Assembly, we wanted […]
Trenton – The Senate approved legislation sponsored by Senator Vin Gopal that will seek to add one more layer of protection against voting machine error by requiring […]
By Vin Gopal Our bill to ensure residents continue to have access to telehealth and telemedicine by extending the law that guarantees health insurance providers and […]
Tinton Falls – Senator Vin Gopal and Assembly Candidates Dr. Margie Donlon, and Luanne Peterpaul, Esq. have released the following statement regarding the recently announced Parkway […]
WEST LONG BRANCH – Senator Gopal convened a meeting of local small businesses, labor unions, Chambers of Commerce, and other stakeholders, with leadership from Netflix on […]
Team Monmouth calls on their opponents to engage in a fact-based, civil debate ahead of Election Day. Tinton Falls – Today, Team Monmouth’s Senator Vin Gopal, Dr. […]